Curriculum Statement


Our curriculum has been designed with the involvement of staff, governors and children.  It is carefully sequenced to ensure breadth and depth of learning.    It provides a broad range of experiences for our children and takes into consideration backgrounds, diversity and our learning community.  We are committed to broad, balanced and knowledge rich curriculum which will inspire and enthuse our children. We organise our school curriculum by mapping objectives through each stage of learning. In this way we ensure that ‘knowledge builds on knowledge’, helping children to know more and remember more.


The following drivers will underpin all areas of our curriculum;

Values - These support the development of the whole child as a reflective learner within a calm, caring, happy and purposeful atmosphere.

Inclusion - To have a highly inclusive approach, believe that every child is an individual, and must be treated as such. Being ‘fair’ is not about everyone getting the same (equality) but about everyone getting what they need (equity).

Experiences – Through experiences, we will inspire children to expand their knowledge of community and the wider world. To create ambition, aspirations for the future and a culture which enables children to challenge themselves.

The curriculum will

Our knowledge rich curriculum actively promotes British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs throughout the school. It is designed to open their eyes to different cultures and different ways of life and being a member of a global community. 

Encourage children to develop the knowledge that enable them to develop as reflective learners and grow to be stable, educated and emotionally intelligent adults. 

We are of the firm belief that by identifying the key knowledge that children require, we prepare them for a progressive, ambitious curriculum and successful transition through the different phases of their educational journey 

Place a high priority on children’s physical and mental well-being to ensure a holistic approach to development. Instil confidence, enjoyment and the opportunity to take and manage risks 

We believe reading is the gateway to the curriculum and we support all of our children to be able to read at an age-appropriate stage. Our reading journey starts when children first join the school in Reception. 

Ensure children acquire a broad range of knowledge that build over time. Through careful, systematic planning, we ensure that our curriculum has an appropriate balance of creativity and rigor. Teachers use their thorough and deep knowledge and assessment of prior learning to ensure appropriate continuity and progression for children and their learning. 

The curriculum is planned using inspiring and creative starting points. Incorporating meaningful cross- curricular links between subjects in planning not only enriches children’s engagement and learning across the curriculum but also provides opportunities for children to apply and embed their reading, writing, communication and mathematical skills in a wide variety of contexts.  Incorporate outdoor experiences where appropriate to allow children to engage with the natural world.

Provide opportunities for children to fulfil their potential across all subjects. Teachers regularly check that children are able to remember the ‘sticky knowledge’

Aim to provide enriching experiences that celebrate community and events that consolidates the knowledge taught. 

The national curriculum programmes of study are used for each year group to ensure that the pitch and expectations of the planning are appropriate to secure good progress for all children. There will be opportunities for children to broaden and deepen their knowledge, skills and understanding through a ‘mastery’ approach. This will not, however, mean unnecessary repetition of work or low levels of challenge

Our CPD programme ensures that all staff have thorough knowledge of the curriculum which is regularly updated. 

Curriculum Overview

Further details can be found on the year group curriculum newsletters (Children - Year Groups)