RE & Worship

Religious Education at Haughmond Federation

Our schools aim is ‘To build religious tolerance through the mutual understanding of other religions.’  The children will learn about a range of religious beliefs explore a variety of important questions that help them to consider their own thoughts and ideas about the world they are growing into.

Religious Education – Curriculum

Throughout the federation we use the New Shropshire Agreed Syllabus to develop our learning journey. All children explore different religions through a range of approaches and experiences to develop their understanding of them. The children then build on their knowledge to consider deeper questions through thematic units where religions are compared and contrasted as they move through their learning journey.  We focus on four religions in the world Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism.

Shropshire Agreed Syllabus

Our RE curriculum, compliments and enhances the ‘Values Based Education’ provided at the schools.  The religious beliefs and our values runs through everything we do, and opens up the opportunity for deep discussion.  Through working in books, discussion forums, handling artefacts, visits and experiences, we see a continued understanding and deepening of learning.  We strive to continue to develop teachers’ understanding of this ever changing subject.

Haughmond Federation’s Link to the wider community

Through the children’s time at Sundorne Infant School and Nursery and Harlescott Junior School, we aim to build and create links within the local and wider community.  This provides them with a rich and varied experience and a chance to give back and be an active part of their community.

We are proud to be supported in the Harlescott Diocese by The Church of the Holy Spirit where special gatherings are held to celebrate harvest, remembrance, Easter and Christmas. Each term, Rev Knight delivers worship assemblies in school

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Each year at Harvest time both Sundorne Infant School and Harlescott Junior School come together to collect food. In previous years we have donated this food to the Barnabas Community Projects Food Bank.  This year we donated food to the Food Hub and food banks. The generosity of the families in our local community is overwhelming and shows how we support others.

Enhancements to support learning in RE and worship

Sue Michaels delivered worship assemblies to our children as part of a worship assembly. She talked about light within Judaism and made links to our school values of Tolerance and Responsibility. 

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Lichfield Cathedral – Light of Hope

To celebrate All Souls Day and All Saints Day, the federation took part in a Diocese celebration ‘Light of Hope’.  This allowed schools to come together through the pandemic to share in the hope for the future and a chance to reflect. Whilst creating pieces of artwork that was shared through social media in a time of social distancing. 

Our Reverend, Reverand Lisa Knight

Our Harvest Festival